Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Prayer of a poor beggar

I am so tired today so I am going to let someone more spiritually competent take the reigns- St Bernadette (no surprise there then).
I love this prayer but I am a little scared of it because it is submission in its truest sense and that ability to give yourself totally to God is amazing. I hope to be worthy of repeating these sentiments one day.

Prayer of a poor beggar to Jesus
O Jesus

give me, I beg you

the bread of humility

the bread of obedience,

the bread of charity,

the bread o strength to break my will

and mould it to yours,

the bread of interior mortification,

the bread of detachment from creatures

the bread of patience to bear the

the sufferings my heart endures

O Jesus

you want me to be crucified, fiat

the bread of strength to suffer as I ought,

the bread of seeing you in all things

and at all times



The Cross

I want no other friends but these

St. Bernadette suffered a great deal in her life- she had difficulty breathing and died of, among other things, TB of the bones which is excruciatingly painful- she was only 35. By the end of her life she could not walk at all. She embraced life with a sense of humour and joy. Most of all I think about how she left her beloved family and beautiful Lourdes aged 22 never to see either again. She longed for her grotto and for her family yet she accepted the will of God with joy. True inspiration on a cold winters night, after a long day.

I'm getting an early night- goodnight dear friends!


Lisa said...

This is an all-encompassing prayer ~ of complete surrender, isn't it? I agree ~ scary in a way. But beautiful. It's that jumping off a cliff analogy. You can't know the perfect happiness of being supported by God's hand alone until you step off the edge...

Soutenus said...

Beautiful ---
On facebook my Quote on the side bar is:
When God leads you to the edge of a cliff be thankful and leap. . . . for He will do one of two things:
catch you
teach you how to fly.

I trust you Jesus -- teach me how to trust!

SQUELLY said...

It is an amazing prayer. So right though Lisa- there is good scary and bad scary- this is certainly the good type. But 'yikes' sums it up for me. Like you Soutenus I so want to jump off the edge of that cliff of faith. Really trust.


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